Our chiropractic practice was established in Cleveland in 1982. In 1987, we also opened the clinic in Chattanooga. We provide quality chiropractic care, providing treatment for occupational and sports injuries, as well as rehabilitative care. By becoming a patient, you have access to innovative treatments, research-based rehabilitation protocols, advanced chiropractic adjusting techniques, and nutritional expertise.
We provide spinal treatment. You will find numerous places at this site where you will be able to find the “laundry list” of symptoms that chiropractors typically treat. Since you are here, you probably already know many of those conditions! Suffice to say that we initially decide if you are a patient that we can help. In 31 years of practice, the request that I have received, more than any other from patients, is this: “Help me if you can. Tell me if you can’t.”
We have a simple motto: we treat every patient as if that patient were my mom. If I think I can help, I will try. If I don’t, I will refer.
We are often asked about adjusting techniques. Let me assure you that if you have been to chiropractors before, and you prefer a particular technique, we will do our best to either do that technique, or find you someone who does it.
However, most people who ask about techniques are concerned about the possibility of a technique being a little too forceful, because they have a condition that might be irritated. For example, an arthritic hip could be aggravated by a forceful technique when working on the low back.
We have a simple solution: WE AREN’T GOING TO DO ANYTHING TO HURT YOU. There are many non-force techniques that work fine. In addition, we use state-of-the-art cold laser therapy to reduce inflammation as quickly as possible. In short, you don’t feel a thing.
The thrust (pardon the pun) of our office philosophy, along with the aforementioned motto, is as follows: we want you better as quickly as possible. In fact, I wish everyone got well in one visit! Chiropractors often get teased because we often have to ask patients to come back frequently at the beginning of treatment. But when you think about it, if everyone got well the first time, we would have people lined up all the way to Atlanta to get in. The patients wouldn’t let us close the doors at night!
(My best chiropractic joke: How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: one, but it takes six visits.)
We offer nutritional counseling, frequently making recommendations of nutritional support for probable vitamin and mineral deficiencies. We will soon have a link in this site for our line of Unicity products. Many patients needing to address their specific issues (e.g. diabetes) can go there and see a video about that devastating disease; or, we have information about assistance with energy. As many of you already know, advertised energy drinks may contribute to the development of other problems. We invite you to peruse our entire website, as we have tried to address more than just musculoskeletal problems.
But let there be no mistake: This IS a chiropractic clinic. We fix necks and backs, addressing that laundry list to which we alluded earlier.
The laundry list: neck pain, back pain, headaches, leg pain and numbness, arm pain and numbness, muscle spasms, slipped discs (by the way, there is no such thing), herniated discs, scoliosis, dizziness/vertigo, pinched nerves (by the way, there is no such thing), nerve root compression, neuralgia (another word for nerve pain), neuritis (another word for inflamed nerve), fibromyalgia (another word for deep muscle pain, also involving fibrous tissue). There are others in the list.
To recap, if you come here, I will tell you if I think I can help, I am not going to just throw a bunch of big words at you (and hopefully this website won’t have an unusually large amount of big words), I will treat you like my mom, then try to get you better as quickly as possible.
Where to Start
We invite you to browse around the website to learn about the services we offer. However, the only way for us to advise on your specific situation is if you contact us.
The best method during the day is by phone on (423) 478-2225. You can also use the contact form to submit a question or appointment request. We will respond by the next business day. When it comes to your health, don’t wait. Five most dangerous words in the English language: “Maybe it will get better.” Another powerful old saying about health: “If you don’t have time to get better, you will make time to be sick.”
Insurance Accepted
Our clinics accept most health care insurance plans. Listed below is a sample of the larger insurance companies we accept. Please do not hesitate to give us a call to see if we accept your insurance plan.
Our friendly staff will be happy to verify your insurance benefits for you. Please call with your insurance ID number and date of birth prior to your appointment. (Please note: verification is not a guarantee of coverage) One other thing, and let me be clear: the name of your insurance company will NOT be the first thing we ask you.