Our Clinic
Our Practice
Our Poetic Office Policy
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Dear patient, did you know
We are proud you entered our door?
We're lucky we were your choice
We feel privileged to the core.

We also want you to know
Without patients, our business is nil
Our day is completely empty
And our purpose, we don't fulfill.

We have every day transactions
But things we can delay awhile
As they'll never interfere with patient care
This is our promise, and our style.

We never consider patients as outsiders
Rather a family my whole career
Indeed, a practice INSIDER
To whom we'll bring ease and cheer.

Each day brings new challenges
But we always have one purpose in mind
We make a solemn promise
To always be professional and kind.
There's a wise old saying
“Care for friends and friends will care for you.”
This has worked  here over 30 years
As we have found it is oh, so true.
Finally, your health is our only concern
This has always been our vow
We commit one hundred percent every day
And renew that here and now.

Dr. Keith Mills
